How does it work?
Find the offers you like
Browse our catalog of offers and purchase them as usual.
Earn cashback
Submit your receipt to claim your cashback; once validated, the amount will be added to your Shopmium balance. Withdraw your earnings to your bank or PayPal account once you reach £10.
A free welcome gift
Exclusive offer for all new joinersTo get you started with our cashback app, we have a free product to enjoy for all new registered users! Start saving right away on your favourite brands with our exclusive supermarket promotions and deals.

More than £50 of savings per week
Across a variety of categoriesFor over 5 years, we have offered discounts on more than 2,500 brands & products across all categories. New offers are added every week to guarantee you continuous savings!

Requests processed within 48 hours
We process your requests as quickly as possible.Once a cashback claim is submitted, it is processed within 2 business days! You can follow the status of your claims in the "My Purchases" section.

Nearby offers
Up to 100% cashbackThere are always different types of offers in the app and the discounts can go up to 100% off, which means you can try new or staple products completely FREE!

Users reviews
52k reviews
67,5k reviews
Fantastic app. Allows me to try stuff either free or at a reduced price. This works for nearly every shop.
Brilliant for offers off and free items. Easy to use. And cashback received within 2 days.
So far my experience has been great, I was skeptical at first but received the cashback the very next day after submitting my first claim. It's given me the push to try things I wouldn't normally try and spend less whilst doing it 😌
Really simple and easy to use. Cashback offers are things I would buy usually or want to try. No problems with funds coming through once I have requested them. Excellent app!
Quick and easy to use with fast cashback , lots of variety in shops and products.
So far, I'm loving it. I have saved some money, although I have been tempted to buy things I wouldn't normally pay so much for. Saying that, it means we've been able to try new things, without feeling guilty. Normally, I wouldn't squander money on things, if I'm not sure we will like them. You have nothing to lose by installing this app, only an opportunity to save on the things you buy.